3D Printed House News

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Compact 3D printer to build fire-resistant house in California

RIC Technology's compact 3D printer can be used in crowded neighborhoods too
RIC Technology’s compact 3D printer can be used in crowded neighborhoods too

RIC Technology 

A compact robotic 3D printer will help build a fire-resistant house in Walnut, California, early next year. The first-of-its-kind project is expected to set an example for the technique’s utility in areas severely impacted by wildfires.

Additive manufacturing is the industrial name for 3D printing that is being used for a variety of applications around the world. Whether making small machine parts or large bridges, additive manufacturing has proven to be a reliable technique to build quickly. This is why construction firms have also used this approach to make schools and houses with a short turnaround time.

Interesting Engineering has previously covered how 3D printing is used to build a large-scale housing complex. These have typically been new projects in empty spaces without much difficulty determining how the printing equipment can be placed. However, the same approach becomes difficult to deploy when reconstructing an old house or building an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) in crowded neighborhoods.

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